How sweet it is! Thank you Seven Days! Thank you Route 802! Thank you!!
It only made sense that sooner or later Burlington would get an app, all its own, for our mobile devices allowing on the fly access to ALL the AMAZING offerings we have going on in our area. Locals in the know reach weekly for the local rag called Seven Days (e.g. The Boston Phoenix or The Village Voice) with yellow highlighter in hand to organize things to do in and around Burlington Vermont. Without this resource, so much would otherwise slip through our "things to do and know about" fingers.
Well, this task just got a whole lot easier.
Seven Days and Route 802 teamed up to produce a mobile app so that we can access a whole big bunch of info on the fly! Right on boys and girls!! The whole "ya can't get thaya from heya" just got a whole lot easier :)
For those new to the area or visiting, or diehard locals, go to Itunes to search for BurlApp and download the free app to your IPhone or iPad (Android support is coming so hold tight if you're a 'Droidy).
There are two main content tabs: "City Life" and "News/Life". Under the umbrella of these two areas, there are literally hundreds of listings to check out. The designers put good forethought into design simplicity. Sub categories include: Arts & Entertainment, Food and Drink, Shopping, Lodging, Attractions, Services, Transportation, Sports & Recreation. There's even a spot to create your own "Itinerary".
There's also practical stuff too. Jobs, apartments have a presence so there's a lot to be happy about here.
For a launch and first to the line, the designers did a GREAT job. Simplicity, Style, Functionality. It's all there!
Is there room for improvement? Is anything missing? My answer is an unequivocal "Yes!". I've already written customer support asking that a local review section be added and that the, super popular, Seven Days Annual Daisy Award Winners also be added. Yeah, I'm being greedy here but hey let's make this baby a local standout!!!!
For more information, go to BurlApp's website. But take my advice, download this little gem to your IPhone now.
If you are considering listing your home for sale or buying a home, condominium or other property in and around Burlington Vermont, please give me a call at 802.238.5256, visit my website: or reach me by email at to discuss the market and your options. I would be delighted to assist you.
Armed with solid numbers, buyers and sellers alike can manage their expectations and the current realities of our local market.
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