February 24th, 2011
There is an organization you may know of or not. And if you are new to Vermont, you most assuredly need to be aware that Efficiency Vermont exists.
To sumarize, Efficiency Vermont was created in 1999 when the Vermont legislature passed a law creating the nation’s first ratepayer-funded energy efficiency utility providing energy efficiency services to business owners, homeowners and renters to reduce their energy costs.
Since its inception, Efficiency Vermont has been working diligently to help Vermonters reduce their annual energy costs which results in utilities not having to buy as much power from power plants. The net affect being ratepayers’ electric bills are likely to be less than they would be without energy efficient practices.
I urge you to take a look.
If you prefer speaking to a human, they have a team of helpful staff who can answer your questions. Call them on their toll free number at 888.921.5990 or, if you are local in the Burlington VT area, try 802.860.4095
If you are considering listing your home for sale or buying a home or condominium in or near Burlington Vermont Real Estate or Chittenden County, please give me a call or email me to discuss the market and your options. I would be delighted to assist you. I can be reached on my direct line at 802.238.5256 or email me at Chris@ChrisHurdVT.com
As always, please feel free to post any thoughts and comments here below.
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