Thursday, December 13, 2007

My Front Porch in Charlotte Vermont

It’s winter (though my calendar technically reminds me we have 8 days yet until her official start on the winter solstice).

I miss the summer days on my front porch in Charlotte Vermont.

Now, I’m forced to walk past my porch determined to get out of the biting winds. I barely allow myself to linger though in my mind I’m still there. In my mind, I remember watching the storms advancing from the west, high in the Adirondack Mts which I see clearly and up close. I see Lake Champlain. Thompson’s Point. I hear the distant train whistle. Miss working on the front porch. making my phone calls, working on my laptop. My front porch became my office, my living room, my dining room, my place for a nap, my library, my place to write, to listen to music, lots of laughter, my place to chat with a friend or my kids on any subjects at all. It was a place to banter about the latest Red Sox game, whether to go out on the lake or to take a hike. It became a place to watch the shapes of clouds or nightime shooting stars and meteor showers or the tremendous display of fireflies in June. Ahhhh, life on my front porch…

It’s winter now. The outdoor furniture’s put away. All that’s out there is my lit Christmas wreath which gives me joy when I return at night. My oversized thermometer with those larger numbers than ever before (eyes goin’ bad) reminding me how cold this December has been. The barometer signaling more low pressure approaching with yet another snowfall. Seems like we’re off to a real live Vermont winter this year. That’s a good thing. I’m thankful for that. I love our seasons so.

But I can’t wait ’til those Spring days that hit the 50’s come back. The 50’s always seems so amazingly warm after a long Vermont winter. And with that life will return to my front porch again.

May I remind you - Eight days to go and the days start getting longer again!!

Honk or wave when you go by.

I just can’t wait!

Please share your front porch stories if you have one by posting a comment here at Hurd’s The Word.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Stowe Vermont Market Trends Nov. 2007

Based upon information provided by the Northwestern Vermont Board of Realtors (NVBR) as of today for the month of November 2007, there were 5 residential units sold within the town of Stowe Vermont with a total listed volume of $2,637,000. Divide this number by the units sold (5) and you get an average listed sold price of $527,400. Juxtapose this figure to the actual total sold volume of $2,324,000 then divide this number by the units sold (5) and you come up with an average sold price of $464,800. Are ya' having an ADD moment yet?

So, "what's up Chris?" you're asking. Well, here you are. These numbers produced a list-to-sell variance of $62,600 or (drum roll please) a 88.13% list to sell percentage. Average days on the market for these 5 properties was 83.2.

Armed with solid numbers, buyers and sellers alike can manage their expectations and the current realities of our local market.

Call me at 802.238.5256, email me at or post your comments here at Hurd's The Word.

Towns included in these single family residential figures are for Stowe Vermont only as of the date of this entry.

Burlington Vermont Market Trends for Nov. 2007

Based upon information provided by the Northwestern Vermont Board of Realtors (NVBR) as of today for the month of November 2007, there were 16 residential units sold within Burlington Vermont with a total listed volume of $3,709,600. Divide this number by the units sold (16) and you get an average listed price of $231,850. Juxtapose this figure to the actual total sold volume of $3,372,500 then divide this number by the units sold (16) and you come up with an average sold price of $210,781.25. Are ya' having an ADD moment yet?

So, "what's up Chris?" you're asking. Well, here you are. These numbers produced a list-to-sell variance of $21,068.75 or (drum roll please) a 90.9% list to sell percentage. Average days on the market for these 16 properties was 102.75.

Armed with solid numbers, buyers and sellers alike can manage their expectations and the current realities of our local market.

Call me at 802.238.5256, email me at or post your comments here at Hurd's The Word.

These figures include sold numbers for single family residential in Burlington Vermont only.

Chittenden County Market Trends for Nov. 2007

Based upon information provided by the Northwestern Vermont Board of Realtors (NVBR) as of today for the month of November 2007, there were 101 residential units sold within all towns in Chittenden County with a total listed volume of $30,005,101. Divide this number by the units sold (101) and you get an average listed price of $306,980. Juxtapose this figure to the actual total sold volume of $29,716,365 then divide this number by the units sold (101) and you come up with an average sold price of $298,893. Are ya' having an ADD moment yet?

So, "what's up Chris?" you're asking. Well, here you are. These numbers produced a list-to-sell variance of $12,759 or (drum roll please) a 95.8% list to sell percentage. Average days on the market for these 138 properties was 92.

Armed with solid numbers, buyers and sellers alike can manage their expectations and the current realities of our local market.

Call me at 802.238.5256, email me at or post your comments here at Hurd's The Word.

Towns included in these single family residential figures for all of Chittenden County: Bolton, Buels Gore, Burlington, Charlotte, Colchester, Essex Junction, Essex, Hinesburg, Huntington, Jericho Village, Jericho, Milton, Richmond, Shelburne, South Burlington, St George, Underhill, Westoford, Williston and Winooski Vermont.