Look at the fantastic success of Church Street in Burlington! How many small cities in this country have had the courage to make their main drag pedestrian only and turn it into a crown jewel? The amazing vitality and spirit of spending time on Church Street any time of year brings great joy to me personally and to my family. So many people's great intentions collaborating and imagining resulted in bringing out the very best in all of us.
What say you? Please submit your thoughts and ideas below.
If you are interested in buying a home, condominium or other property or considering listing your home, townhouse or other real estate in Burlington Vermont, please give me a call at 802.238.5256, visit my website: www.chrishurdvt.com or reach me by email at Chris@ChrisHurdVT.com to discuss the market and your options. I would be delighted to assist you.
Armed with solid numbers, buyers and sellers alike can manage their expectations and the current realities of our local market.
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