Deep into November, the only color found exists in the sky at dusk. Sunsets, this time of year, and sunrises for that matter too can be just sensational. But do we notice in our hurried, frenetic holiday modes???
This year we all have a lot on our minds...
An historic election now yields to an upcoming historic inauguration for all of us to rejoice and celebrate. Hopes our nation will discover her unfolding new identity, resolve to tackle our personal and at-large challenges with unrelenting determination. We share all this as we collectively focus inward.
For those of us in Vermont, we turn inward from the cold weather and further inward still toward the warmth of hearth and home and end of year holidays. Inward toward those we love and those for whom we are grateful. Inward toward those that touch our lives in meaningful, special ways. Inward toward grateful appreciation for what we have, for our lot in life.
I want to thank my children and my family for their love, laughter and support and for the continual spirit of renewal within those relationships. I want to thank my loyal friends for our shared laughter and good memories. For your devotion when my chips were down when I was ill last March. I want to thank my clients for their business, loyalty, and for referring me to those they love and trust me to take care of. I want to thank my body for incredibly mending itself when it was put to the test.
Thanks to the stars and the fireflies, the summer outdoor concerts, dancing with my daughter, goofing with my son, thunder and lightning storms from my front porch, the power of healing, the power of love, the power of touch and the beauty of mother nature all around us when we slow down just enough to connect to her.
The stock market is what it is and all the rest. But for now, it is good to try and keep it simple. It is good, no it is great, to be grateful for all I have, for I have much.
I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving holiday! Travel safely. Love preparing meals with those that make you laugh and you care about. Be grateful. Lend your hands.
Call me at 802.238.5256, email me at or post your comments at Hurd's The Word or go to my website at Charlotte Vermont Real Estate.